for coonhounds
& foxhounds as
family companions.

Welcome to Coonhound and Foxhound Companions!

Welcome to Coonhound and Foxhound Companions!

Have you hear about the plight of coonhounds and foxhounds?

Widely viewed as "equipment”, these scent hound breeds are not well known outside hunting circles, Appalachia and the southern U.S. states. While not disputing their prowess in tracking tree-climbing mammals (for which they were bred), far too many of these dogs are neglected, abused, and abandoned - especially following hunting season. Further, the stray or surrendered hounds that do end up in rural pounds or animal control facilities are routinely overlooked by potential adopters (as well as rescue organizations) for more popular, well-known breeds and often sequestered from public viewing due to their “disposable” status.

Bottom line - the majority of sheltered coonhounds and foxhounds in the U.S. face odds that are clearly not in their favor and are routinely euthanized. We find this situation extremely unjust and believe these hounds deserve better!

Affectionate, loyal, and intelligent, “coonies” and “foxies” thrive on human companionship and make wonderful pets. We hope you agree and invite you to learn more about how we’re supporting and celebrating our beloved, long-eared dogs.

Our mission:
To advocate for the adoption and responsible ownership of coonhounds and foxhounds as canine companions.

Key Programs & Activities

Long Ears Alive! Fund

Our Long Ears Alive! program funds veterinary care for sheltered or stray hounds that are injured, ill, senior and/or pregnant (or lactating).

Read more about our process, success stories and how to refer a dog in need here.

Resources for Shelters & Rescues

We offer a variety of free posters/flyers promoting coonhound & foxhound adoption.

Our Coonhound Rescue Network serves as a networking site for coonhounds, foxhounds & hound-mixes in need of rescue and/or adoption.

Information for Owners

Real world info for new/current owners or those considering adoption of a coonhound or foxhound.

Links to various activities and events celebrating hound culture.

Check out our hound communities on Instagram & Facebook.